Classes We Offer
We offer a number of classes at our studio in Sidney Nebraska.

Class Limit: 2
Duration: 3-4 hrs
Cost: $45.00
Learn the fundamentals of working with a spinning wheel and drop spindle to create your own yarns. We provide all fibers for use during class and use of spinning wheels & drop spindles in our studio (or bring your own)

Class Limit: 2
Duration: 3-4 hrs (2 day class)
Cost: $55.00
The Beginning Rigid Heddle Loom class is a 2-day class, however, students will have access to a in-shop loom for 2 weeks and are free to drop in and work on their project any time during the 2 weeks. Students will learn about the operation and parts of the loom as well as weaving terminology and techniques. Students will be making a scarf or towel using worsted weight (#4) knitting yarns. The 2nd class day is flexible, but should be completed within 2 weeks of the class start date. Students will need to provide 2 skeins of worsted-weight yarn (#4).

Class Limit: 2
Duration: 3-4 hrs
Cost: $45.00
Learn to use combs, hand carders, hackles and drum carders to prepare wools and fibers for spinning. You will learn to blend and prepare batts and rolags for spinning and crafting, or diz from combs to prepare your own rovings.

Class Limit: 2
Duration: 3-4 hrs
Cost: $45.00
Absolute beginner knitters welcome. Just pick up a pair of needles (U.S. size 6 to 8 is perfect for beginners), a ball of yarn (medium weight is easiest for learning), and a crochet hook or yarn needle. You will learn to cast on, knit, and cast off. Refresh old knitting skills and add some new stitches. Learn how to read a pattern and glossary.

Class Limit: 2
Duration: 3-4 hrs
Cost: $45.00
Learn the basics of crocheting and make a washcloth. Start with the chain stitch and single crochet. You just need a crochet hook and cotton yarn. Easy to move on to scarves, hats, pillows and blankets.